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Dive deep into my thoughts about eating well and living well.

What is Health At Every Size (HAES)?

5 Reasons Our Balanced Dietitians Practice from a “Health at Every Size” Approach By Erin Laverty, RDN, LDN, CSO Here at Balanced...

You Are Not What You Eat

News flash the saying “you are what you eat” has never made any sense. I understand that I may be taking it into a literal sense as I...

Beauty Found at a Beauty Salon

This morning I went to the hair salon—something I rarely do anymore. I preach self-care to my clients every day but in the hustle of...


Today was the first day of the transformation yoga class held at Balanced Nutrition and Yoga. Working alongside my colleague and dear...


“Recovery is worth it!” “Life is so much better without ED!” “You’ll feel so much happier!” These are all exclamations I’ve heard many...

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